
Create a Assay Definition File (ADF)

The Assay Definition File (ADF) contains all required information which are needed to evaluate and analyse a data set with the appropriate assay.

  • To add a new ADF click on the Create Assay Definition File.
  • Choose the appropriate Result Type from the drop-down list.
Result type File type
qPCR RDML qPCR data in RDML data standard (.rdml)
qPCR RDML with melting temperature Zip file containing the qPCR data in RDML data standard and melting temperature data in xml format (.zip)
Non-qPCR All Non-qPCR data ()
  • Fill the form and upload the ADF.
  • The ADF uses a .xlsx format with the following parameters:

for qPCR assay

qPCR parameter Describtion example/values required
fluor Fluorophore label for TaqMan probe or SYBR-Green/EvaGreen dyes Cy5, FAM, or EvaGreen yes
target qPCR target name. Needs to be identical to the target name in the qPCR software. 18S yes
pathogen Species/Pathogen name, needed for generating reports P. falciparum yes
posctrl Upper limit of acceptable Cq value for positive control e.g. 25.0 (specific for each target) if left empty, then the positive control will not be included into QC of qPCR run
negctrl Acceptable Cq value for negative control e.g. null (no amplification accepted) if left empty, then the negative control will not be included into QC of qPCR run
ntc Acceptable Cq value for NTC (non template control) e.g. null (no amplification accepted) if left empty, then the NTC will not be included into QC of qPCR run
quant Quantification e.g. yes (target is quantified) no
threshold Fluorescence threshold for Cq determination e.g. 200 no
cutoff Cq cut-off required for qualitative interpretation of qPCR result e.g. 45.0 yes
minvalues minimum number of replicates with same qualitative outcome required for each sample and target e.g. 3 in case of triplicates yes
cuttoffstdev minimum number of replicates with same qualitative outcome required for each sample and target 0.1 yes
slope slope for quantification based on linear regression -0.251 yes, if quantification is desired
intercept y-axis intercept for quantification based on linear regression -0.251 yes, if quantification is desired
lod target-specific limit of detection 0.05 no
qpcreff amplification efficiency of a qPCR reaction based on the slope of the standard curve 0.99 no
reactionvol total reaction volume in uL 20 no
samplevol total reaction volume in uL 5 no
melt_min lower limit of melting temparature range for dye-based qPCR 72.9 yes, if melting temperature needs to be considered
melt_max uper limit of melting temparature range for dye-based qPCR 73.4 yes, if melting temperature needs to be considered

for non-qPCR assay

Assay parameter Describtion example/values required
target Abbreviation of assay target HIV test yes
labels possible assay outcomes for discrete* parameters positive, negative, invalid yes

(*) if the data is continous, leave empty

Create an assay

The assay combines the Assay Definition File with additional relevant information from the Virtual Freezer and is through the Experiment linked to the Samples and qPCR data.

  • Click Create Assay button.
  • Enter the required (Name) and optional (Instrument and SOP) information.
  • Select the appropriate Assay Definition File.
  • Save the assay by clicking on the Create Assay button.