Create a new study and assign users to it

Samples and data are organized in unique and completely separated studies (or projects). Access to the data is restricted by personal accounts.

  • go to ELIMU-MDx platform and login with your personal credentials
  • click on the Studies tab will take you where you want to go. Then click Create Study.
  • fill all required information and save the study by clicking Create Study
  • the new study will be listed in Studies tab.
  • click on the View (eye symbol) which will open the Study Details.
  • Attach Users to the study and assign a Role by choosing the appropriate role. Confirm by clicking Attach User.
  • The roles for ELIMU-MDx users are defined in the table below:
Role Describtion Permissions
Monitor e.g. QC personnel conducting an audit can review and dowload all data
Scientist e.g. laboratory staff conducting the experiments can create samples and add data
Lab Manager e.g. user responsible for maintance of data access to study-specific information
System administrator extra permissions to delete entire studies highest level of permission